$1340.09 as at 30/11/07 - Final Total!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Do Ashley and Martin consult for upper lips?

The second day has arrived but the old growth forest that is meant to be my lip hasn't produced any hairy product.

Yep, as per the photos, I'm pretty much baby bottom territory as per yesterday. I'm not cheating, if you're wondering. I know this is a all a bit laughable but I'm sure there will be some upper lip pricklies to sprout in the next few days. If I just wish hard enough...

To those wondering who "Ashley and Martin" is and why they are missing out on my pithiness I'll give you the down low. They're a "hair re-growth specialist for men with hereditary hair loss". Fill in the witty gaps yourself.

To show that I haven't been exposed to radiation and that there is actually hair elsewhere on my body I've included an oh-so-sexy shot of my upper torso. Yes ladies, that's all me. Enticing huh? If you're wondering how you can get "some of this" then by all means, the mo-donation jar will lubricate me enough to be a bit more forth coming. Goodness, how unholy to be this greasy before 9am.

1 comment:

k-phex said...

Are you prostituting yourself for mo-donations Russell?!?
Well, if that's the case, do you get more of that "oh-so-sexy upper torso" action the more you donate?