$1340.09 as at 30/11/07 - Final Total!

Friday, November 9, 2007

There's more to life than a hairy top lip.

Well there better be more to life. Almost two weeks have ended and I have little but a tiny bit of blond hairy evidence starting to show itself. Pathetic. Even my triathlon squad makes fun of me.

I've been met with the usual: "Oh you're doing Movember?" response when trying to add that I've been working my ass off to bring some cash in for my lame-mo.

As it turns out having a lame-Mo is a pretty good selling point but I'm not really near my target of $1000. I'm trying to push for that right now and I'm sure I'll reevaluate when I do hit it, because I will, WITH YOUR HELP.

I may be getting a little competitive, hysterical and pushy but it's a sponsorship drive for donations. Karma can only push me along, not stomp on my testicles ... I hope.

Time to digress.

My previous little reflective snippet didn't go as planned. My brain wasn't lubed that day and I'm not sure much has changed.

Depression has so profoundly affected my growing up that I've had time to lose my objective hat. Which is a good thing, I think.

It's easy to misunderstand, become frustrated and lose all hope when you're trying to support someone but you come to realise that understanding their journey, showing patience and persevering when all seems lost not only helps their strength but your own as well.

Illogical decision making, self doubt, helplessness, mania, irrationality around ones self worth and sadness are extreme emotions that we all have to deal with at one time or another but their chronic long term affliction is another thing all together. Having the strength to pull through moments like these is something we may all take for granted but those suffering from depression don't often have that comfort.

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