$1340.09 as at 30/11/07 - Final Total!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hair for the open minded.

I'll be honest. The Mo is giving me the shits. I can feel it in the pool, I can feel it when I blow my nose and I can feel it when I move my lip to talk. It's there all the time. But that's a good thing.

Movember may be a little bit of fun, a time when all us clean shaven gentlemen do something out of the ordinary. The Mo is a constant reminder of the causes we decided to grow it for in the first place. It's better than a yellow daffodil or a little ribbon because it changes everyday and you can't possibly avoid it when you look in the mirror.

Whether you're doing your best Zorro impression in the mirror or simply just brushing your teeth the Mo is there, just in case you forgot.

It's hard work raising cash. It's hard work growing a Mo. It's important that these things are difficult though. Tasks we take for granted are easy to forget about others that take a bit of Ninja grace are ones you'll remember forever and remind you of the root cause for engagement.

Whether you've embraced Movember for a bit of fun or because you honestly believe in the cause it doesn't matter, you're raising awareness for the cause. The end result is the same and hopefully in the process you'll come away with having learnt something for your efforts. This may not be that insightful but it's sure easy to forget.

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