$1340.09 as at 30/11/07 - Final Total!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Slackness prevails but so does the hair growth.

Crap, it's been a week since I posted so I'm sorry for the one or maybe two people that probably read this, your refresh buttons must have had a work out checking for daily updates, or at least, bi weekly.

The week past of Mo growing has been fruitful. There is, as you can see, a certain seedy hair line starting to appear below my nose. I'm heading for pool cleaner or seedy Mexican territory.

A work colleague (thanks Shannon) was kind enough to lend me the most awesome denim suit for the Gala. I think the faux-Mo and blue denim suit should look quite the part, really.

Moving along slightly, I competed in my first tri on the weekend so I have a very special 18th day "Game Face" Mo shot. Not sure why I look so serious, was probably thinking about not drowning.

Didn't do too bad and the results are online if anybody is interested: HERE.

Donations are going well, but as usual, keep 'em coming. Thank you all who have contributed thus far, I've got a prop list down the side of the blog so if I've missed antibody's name let me know, much apologies. 4 figures should be realised by the end of the month, hopefully a few hundred more.

I am having some Mo issues though. It is starting to annoy and I've almost shaved it off three times (mistakenly) out of habit. Even with lack of shaving cream in that horizontal area muscle memory has a firm grasp and automatic Mo shaving has been only narrowly avoided on those occasions.

The taunts continue but they aren't very original. To all those who actually asked wittingly whether or not I was actually growing a Mo, bullocks to you. It wasn't funny the first time and it's not funny now. At least use a little bit of brain power and come up with a better witticism if you intend to make fun of my lip warmer.

Some may notice there is no Day 16 shot. Progress doesn't really change THAT much from day to day, but in an attempt to take an original photo I ended up forgetting after a few drinks and went to bed only to awaken on Day 17 without a candid from the day before. Sigh. These things happen but hopefully the momentary lapse in Mo dedication won't weaken your support for said Mo.

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